βΉοΈ Latest Version: v1.4.3
Jump to heading Roadmap
The roadmap can be found in the Discord Community under the feature-requests channel. If you have any feature requests or ideas, feel free to add them there.
Jump to heading Changelog
Jump to heading [1.4.3] - 2025-02-22
- Added layer mask filter option to filter outlines/fills by layer in addition to rendering layer
- Surface fill: Added option to set render queue (adds support for transparent objects)
- Improved section map object ID hash function to reduce ID collisions
Jump to heading [1.4.2] - 2025-02-22
- Edge Detection: Fixed depth/height fade variable names
- Changed from
for improved compatibility with older version of Unity 6 - Temporarily disabled fill functionality for section map
Jump to heading [1.4.1] - 2025-02-18
- Surface Fill: Added option to set custom fill material (experimental)
- Surface Fill: Fixed issue with glow pattern where secondary color was being set but not needed
Jump to heading [1.4.0] - 2025-02-17
- Fast Outline: Added option to set render queue (adds support for outlined transparent objects)
- Soft Outline: Added option to set render queue (adds support for outlined transparent objects)
- Soft Outline: Added UV Transform property to alpha cutout outlines
- Soft Outline: Added gap property which allows for adding a gap between an object and its outline
- Wide Outline: Added option to configure outline width on a per-object basis
- Wide Outline: Added option to set render queue (adds support for outlined transparent objects)
- Wide Outline: Added UV Transform property to alpha cutout outlines
- Wide Outline: Added gap property which allows for adding a gap between an object and its outline
- Edge Detection: Added option to fade edge color by height
- Edge Detection: Added option to switch section map precision between 8 bit and 16 bit
- Edge Detection: Added option to set section map clear color
- Edge Detection: Added option for additional custom section passes to be defined (adds support for vertex animation)
- Edge Detection: Fixed shallow angle artifacts fix not working if only depth is used as a discontinuity source
- Edge Detection: Fixed shader error in scene luminance debug view
- Edge Detection: Fixed section buffer graphics format not being supported on WebGPU
- Fixed HelpUrl documentation links in custom editors
- Convert usage of (deprecated) cameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor to resourceData.activeColorTexture.GetDescriptor()
Jump to heading [1.3.4] - 2025-01-15
- Unity 2022: Fixed vertex animation not working for wide and soft outline
- Unity 2022: Fixed issue with section map custom rendering option not working
Jump to heading [1.3.3] - 2025-01-04
- Surface Fill: Added compatibility with VR (not tested on actual hardware)
- Fast Outline: Added compatibility with VR (not tested on actual hardware)
- Soft Outline: Added compatibility with VR (not tested on actual hardware)
- Wide Outline: Added compatibility with VR (not tested on actual hardware)
- Edge Detection: Added compatibility with VR (not tested on actual hardware)
- Fast Outline: Added step to clear stencil buffer after rendering fast outline to avoid unexpected interactions with other effects
Jump to heading [1.3.2] - 2024-12-30
- Soft Outline: Fixed issue with instanced rendering
- Wide Outline: Fixed issue with instanced rendering
Jump to heading [1.3.1] - 2024-12-21
- Added com.unity.collections as a dependency since it is needed for the SmoothNormalsBaker to work
- Edge Detection: Fixes for masks/fills
- Edge Detection: Reduced number of shader variants
- Edge Detection: Fixed compilation error in section shader
Jump to heading [1.3.0] - 2024-12-18
- Edge Detection: Added option to scale edge thickness with screen resolution
- Edge Detection: Added option to fade edge color with depth
- Edge Detection: Added section map support for particles
- Fast Outline: Added smoothed normals baker allowing for rendering smoother outlines with fewer artifacts
- Compatibility Window: Added check to detect outline overrides in the scene which break SRP batching
- GPU Instancing: Added GPU instancing option for improved performance when rendering many different outline variants at once
- Wide Outline: Added vertex animation support
- Soft Outline: Added vertex animation support
- Edge Detection: Reorganized settings
- Edge Detection: Simplified debug view options
- Edge Detection: Changed precision of section map texture from 8 bit to 16 bit precision
- Compatibility Window: Fixed styling for light mode of Unity Editor
- MSAA + Soft Outline: Fixed rendering issues when MSAA is enabled for soft outline
- MSAA + Wide Outline: Fixed console errors when MSAA is enabled for wide outline (rendering artifacts are still present!)
- Surface Fill: Fixed rotation values not being applied correctly for texture patterns
- Unity 6: Fixed stencil rendering issue
Jump to heading [1.2.6] - 2024-11-27
- Unity 2022: Fixed an issue with profiling samplers being created every frame, potentially causing a crash in builds
Jump to heading [1.2.5] - 2024-11-17
- Added BeforeRenderingTransparents as outline injection point
Jump to heading [1.2.4] - 2024-11-13
- Soft outline: Added scale-with-resolution option for soft outline resulting in better performance at higher resolutions
- Android: Fixed graphics format not being supported
Jump to heading [1.2.3] - 2024-11-09
- Edge Detection: Fixed edge detection not rendering on Unity 6000.0.22f1 or newer and Unity 2022.3.49f1 or newer
Jump to heading [1.2.2] - 2024-11-06
- Edge Detection: Changed default background to clear instead of white
- Edge Detection: Fixed masking not working
- Fixed potential UnassignedReferenceExceptions when outline/fill material was not assigned
- Fixed package samples missing scripts and materials
Jump to heading [1.2.1] - 2024-11-03
- Added custom property drawer for rendering layer mask in Unity 2022
- Wide Outline: Fixed Wide Outline not working with render scales different from 1
- Compatibility Check: Fixed error when using compatibility check in a project using a 2D renderer
Jump to heading [1.2.0] - 2024-10-25
- Wide Outline: Added alpha cutout support
- Soft Outline: Added alpha cutout support
- WebGL: Added support for WebGL (except for Soft Outline)
- iOS: Added support for iOS
- Added the SetActive method for enabling/disabling outlines through code
- Fixed typos
Jump to heading [1.1.1] - 2024-10-12
- Fixed a compilation error on older version of Unity 2022.3
Jump to heading [1.1.0] - 2024-10-07
- Added support for Unity 2022.3
- Added support for Unity 6 with compatibility mode enabled
- Added (experimental) support for the DOTS Hybrid Renderer
- Compatibility Check: Added new compatibility check window to see if Linework will work with your project
- Added option to create outline settings directly from within the renderer feature UI
- Removed unused code
- Removed old 'About and Support' window
- Fixed various memory leaks and unnecessary memory allocations
Jump to heading [1.0.0] - 2024-08-25
- Fast Outline: Added the Fast Outline effect for rendering simple outlines using vertex extrusion
- Soft Outline: Added the Soft Outline effect for rendering soft and glowy outlines
- Wide Outline: Added the Wide Outline effect for rendering consistent and smooth outlines
- Edge Detection: Added the Edge Detection effect for rendering a full-screen outline effect that applies to the whole scene
- Surface Fill: Added the Surface Fill effect for rendering screen-space fill effects and patterns